Saturday, August 4, 2012

"The Fastest Man On No Legs"

I'm sure by now many of you have had the story of Oscar Pistorius, the double amputee South African sprinter who runs with 2 prosthetic limbs.  Oscar's condition raises a great  debate.  Should athletes with prosthetic limbs be allowed to compete against able bodied athletes?  This is such a tough question.  On one hand you feel inclined to say yes because that's the politically correct answer.  On the other, the dude's running on artificial carbon limbs, that must give you some sort of an advantage right?  Here are my thoughts:

Get Him A Jersey
Screw the Olympics, Oscar Pistorius would make a great running back.  He wouldn't even have to wear cleats.  I'm sorry, but does it make me a bad person to think this Oscar Pistorius situation is horseshit?  Before I get crazy, let me say that I think what Oscar Pistorius has accomplished is profound.  He displays the power of the human spirit and I for one am inspired by him.  I'm too lazy to walk to 1st Avenue with 2 legs and this dude's running in the Olympics without legs.  Simply amazing.  That being said,  he should not be competing against Olympic athletes. If you're a runner and you don't have to wear socks, then you're not an Olympic runner.  Yes, Oscar "The Blade Runner" is a great and beautiful story but the guy doesn't wear sneakers or shoelaces.  Is he qualified to run in the Olympics?

Running on carbon fibre has to be an unfair advantage.  Yes, it may be harder to turn.  But no blisters, no cramping, no athlete's foot, no use of Tinactin or Odor Eater's.  You know what, then you should be competing in the paralympics.  That's what I don't get.  What makes Oscar Pistorius so special that he doesn't only compete in the paralympics?  What's wrong with being the fastest paralympian.  Is he too good for the paralympics?  I'm too good at Wii Bowling, but I still compete against humans with arms. I don't just play against the computer.  Oscar should be breaking paralympic records, not sprinting against athletes who have the potential of twisting an ankle, pulling a hamstring, tearing an ACL or having a monster blister on their big toe.

I'm sure The Oscar Pistorius story will be coming to a theater near you.  And you know what, rightly so.  I'm inspired by it.  But it doesn't make it fair or right.  You have to ask yourself if the Olympic committee is throwing Oscar a bone for his effort or do they really believe that he is fit to compete against other sprinters with 2 feet.  It's a good question.  I wish Oscar the best.  Break a leg....sorry, it was necessary.

-At the end of everyday remember to say to yourself, who cares!

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