Friday, August 3, 2012

Screw The Movies! This Is The Golden Age of TV...

Once upon a time the movie theater was a magical place.  A place we sought refuge where stories would come alive and indelible characters would become part of our culture.  Up till this very day, I can remember every movie i've seen in the theater and who I was with when I saw each film.  I remember seeing Back To School with my dad when I was seven and thinking Rodney Dangerfield was the funniest man on the planet.  I saw Ace Ventura the friday afternoon it came out with 10 of my friends and we all laughed so hard that I nearly shit my pants.  I cried  in the theater like a little girl during Rudy and Forrest Gump.  I loved the movies!  Not anymore...

What happened?  What went wrong?  When did Hollywood stop making movies that mattered? Why? It seems like nowadays the only movies in theaters are comic book movies, romantic comedies, comedies (9/10 suck so i just wait for video), horror and animation.  What happened to the dramas?  Nowadays, if your last name isn't Stone, Scorsese or Spielberg most likely you're directing something that I mentioned above.  The young filmmaker in Hollywood is getting shit on and we are the ones that are shitting on 'em.  In case you haven't realized, everything's changed.

The drama now exists on TV.  Our homes have become movie theaters so I hope your microwave doesn't overcook the popcorn.   The paradigm shift started with Tivo.  As soon as we were able to Tivo shows, everything changed.  Now it was so much easier to have ongoing storylines, more in depth character development and better cliffhangers.  Almost every show your obsessing about right now doesn't exist without Tivo or On Demand.  You'd still be using VHS tapes praying that the the clock on your VCR didn't screw up and not tape your favorite show.  Lost, The Soprano's, The Wire, 24 would've still been good but not as good without On Demand or Tivo.  You would've missed epsiodes and on those shows missing episodes leaves large gaps in the quality of your viewing.

Nowadays all the best writers, actors, actresses are found on TV.  There they are able to develop characters, show the full range of their talent and have it be seen by millions of people in the comfort of their own homes.  Television has become more realistic and does not have the big budget that comes along with film. Television is based on content, not on selling popcorn and merchandise.  Nowadays even made for TV movie's and television documentaries are better then most films.  People are staying home for their entertainment and to me that's just sad.  And i'll admit, i'm guilty.

Here is a list of 10 Dramas on TV right now that are better then last year's Oscar Winner, The Artist:
1) Mad Men
2) Boardwalk Empire
3) Homeland
4) Newsroom
5) Treme
6) Breaking Bad
7) Game of Thrones
8)  Dexter
9) Girls
10) Magic City

Unfortunately there are many more.  I'll admit I only watch 6 those shows.  But i've seen bits and pieces of all of them and they're all better then the trash on the big screen.

The film industry has to go back to making good films with good scripts with actors who can actually act.  Robert Pattinson is a terrible actor.  The elephants in water for elephants were better actors then him.  Kristin Stewart doesn't know how to smile, how can she act?  She always looks scared.  You're a multi millionaire with no talent who cheats on your boyfriend.  Cheer the fuck up! Find some good scripts and actors with some chops and let's get to work Hollywood.

Enough movies about comic books, barbarians, and exorcism.  Movies used to matter.  They made significant cultural statements.  They changed your perception and pattern of thinking.  A good movie can move you and a great character becomes part of your life.

Today the characters in my life are Dom Draper, Nucky Thompson and Will McAvoy.  Everyone of them is on my TV, not the big screen.  It's the golden age of TV.

But as long were entertained, who cares!!!

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