Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Obsessed With Fame...

This is something I think about a lot.  Would I want to be famous?  Most likely I will never be a household name, and  think i'm alright with that.  I can't imagine stepping out of my house and having a bunch of strangers take pictures of me in my underwear getting the newspaper at 8 AM.  Who wants go to CVS to pickup a prescription and have middle aged men jumping in front of your car to get a photo.  It just seems so bizarre.  Why does everyone want to be famous?

The world is obsessed with fame.  Apparently everyone wants to feel special and be recognized.  Everybody has something to say, including me, hence this blog.  What happened to anonimity?  What's so bad about living a quiet life, having a select group of friends, getting married and having kids.  Nothing wrong with that.  But people just obsess over other people's lives which leads me to believe that somewhere there's a whole in their lives.  Should I care that Kim kardashian is dating Kanye?

Stop and take a look around.  Do you see what's on TV.  People will do anything to get on TV and have the spotlight shined on them for 15 minutes.  TV shows like Springer, Maury, all the legal shows and Dr. Phil.  Nothing against Dr. Phil, but why are these bozos going on national TV to talk about their anger issues and infidelity.  Aren't they embarassed?  Don't they realized the whole country can see this.  I realize they want help but on national TV.  Dr. Phil's good, but he's not that good.

Reality TV has warped America's brains.  There are so many reality shows that I can pick apart but I will focus on two.  I will focus on The Housewives and The Bachelor/ette.

The Housewives just baffles me.  These woman fight, bicker and pick each other apart.  They're millionaires and they're fucking miserable.  They are inherently jealous want everything but nothing gives them any pleasure.  They have big parties and go on lavish vacations strictly to annoy each other and cause drama.  And sadly, every female I know watches it.  It's crazy.  Why should we care if Caroline and Theresa are fighting over stromboli in their mansions in New Jersey?  They're really not that interesting yet we watch.  What does that say about us as a society?

The Bachelor and Bachlorette is the lowest form of TV.  25 dudes or ladies trying to win the heart of 1.  What the fuck is going on here?  How the hell does anyone date 25 people at one time.  These bachelors and bachelorettes go on these dream dates with 5 woman at a time.  Finally 25 becomes 2 and both guys and girls are 100% convinced that they are getting engaged.  I don't understand how everyone loves to see some dude get his heartbroken and national TV.  And when it happens, it ain't pretty.  They kneel down on one knee and get denied.  We sit at home eating popcorn and watch these idiots get their 15 minutes while having their heartbroken.  What does that say about us?  Why would these people want to subject themselves to this.  For true love?  Bullshit, they are searching for fame and a reality career.

Being a rock star or movie star must be pretty cool.  Strangers adore you.  Can you imagine strangers coming up to you saying they love you?  It must feel empty.  I hear it's lonely at the top.  Look at Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.  They had everything and nothing at the same time.

People, do what makes you happy.  Live your own lives.  Worry about your family and friends, not about Brad and Angelina.  They're not worried about you.  John Lennon said it best "you're a superstar. that's right you are".  We're all significant, special and beautiful, but you have to see that for yourself.  You're not gonna see that watching The Bachelor or The Housewives.

-Forget about being famous, who cares!


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