Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Fantasy Football Phenomenon. Bizarre???

It's that time of year and most heterosexual males between the ages of 18-54 are getting ready for the upcoming fantasy football season. Over the course of the next 2 weeks men will study, prepare, and get together to draft a fantasy football team. No, they aren't really coaching or playing these players. No, they are not real general managers. No, these players are not cognisant of who these men drafting them are. But yes, these fantasy football owners consider these players "their players" like they really play for them. Now i've been doing fantasy football for 10 years. I share a team with my best friend. My best friend takes this shit very seriously. So do the rest of "the owners" in my league. Am I the only guy that finds the fantasy football obsession strange?

Now I understand the competitive nature. Boys will be boys and every guy likes to be #1. But, fantasy football competition is out of control. Yes, you draft your players. Yes, you decide who starts. Yes, you can make trades and pickup guys. That's all cute. But at the end of the day the outcome really comes down to 2 things:
1) injuries
2) player performances
These are the things that are out of the fantasy football owners control and pretty much dictate the outcome of who wins and who loses.

I personally think fantyasy football is fucking stupid but I do it because it's fun to have a little bit of interest in every game and strategize with my best friend. Now don't get it twisted. I love football. But depending on strangers to win me money and give me bragging rights is pretty ridiculous.

The most amazing part about fantasy football is how serious guys take it. I know guys that sit in front of their computers from 1 PM-12 AM on Sundays just watching their players play. If that's not enough, on Monday night, if they have a player playing, they sit in front of their computers for 3 more hours. Fantasy football effects a man's mood and dictates the outcome of their week. Fantasy football can even costs men relationships. I know some guys who choose fantasy football over their girlfriends. Ladies, if your dating a guy whose a fantasy football junkie, you won't be doing brunch or getting paid attention to on Sundays for the next 4 months. Sorry.

Fantasy football has become more important to most guys then the outcome of their favorite teams game. Nowadays guys choose their fantasy football over the team they root for. I find that fucking sad. You're choosing a fictitious team over a real team that actually lines up and plays on Sunday.

Also, guys talking about the players on their fantasy team like they are "their" players.  Like they truly own them or pay their salaries. They refer to them like they know them. Almost like their performing solely for their fantasy football team. Hey owners, these players don't know you. They don't give a flying fuck about you. They play for their teams and themselves. They don't care about the extra 2 yards they picked up before they went out of bounds got you .2 points to win your week.

From the outside looking in, fantasy football is really a bizarre phenomenon. 10 dudes study for a draft. 10 dudes get together and pick players over the course of 3 hours. And during those 3 hours the dudes hardly talk to one another. 10 dudes hovering over their computers for 16 Sundays for 10 hours straight. Sounds a little crazy right?

Hey, i'm guilty. I have my draft on Thursday and i'll see all my friends in one room and we'll all bullshit and catch up for 10 minutes and have a drink. 10 minutes later we'll get down to business.  We'll sit down, begin to make picks and the time will just stand still. Those 3 hours feel like 3 years. Finally we'll finish, say goodnight and head out with a new team for a new year. And we won't all assemble together to the next year where the  same thing will happen once again.  Bizarre!

Are you ready for some fantasy football? Who cares...

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Doorman (The Most Important Man In Your Life)

There are so many things that make New York, New York.  Times Square, being stuffed like a sardine on the subway, watching people walk the streets talking to themselves on their hands free phones, and doorman buildings.  I am fascinated by the doorman.  Is it really necessary for someone to open the door for you?  Who the fuck do you think you are?  One day I may be worth millions of dollars but i'll be opening my own door.  What's next, somebody gonna wipe your ass?

On the surface, your doorman is your best friend.  He smiles at 'ya, tips his cap, helps you carry your groceries in.  But secretly, he can't stand you.  To him your some rich asshole who thinks they're better then everybody else.  Your doorman goes home and says "that bitch in apartment 4C made me shlep her luggage. My fuckin' back's killing me.  She better hook me up up Christmas time".  That's what your doorman says to his wife when he gets home.  He doesn't like you, but you better be on good terms with him because he knows everything about you.  They know what you do, where you live, he has a key to your apartment and he controls your mail.  They know everything.  And they especially know how much you gave them for Christmas.  Take care of your doorman, otherwise your life's in danger.

The doorman might be the most important man in your life.  He must be on your side.  It's essential.  You see a doorman is not just a doorman, he's a hustler.  The doorman is like Morgan Freeman is The Shawshank Redemption, he's a man that that is known to locate things from time to time.  A good doorman can get you:

1) Drugs

2) A booky to gamble with

3) A hooker

That's the power of a good doorman.  A good doorman takes care of his tenants.  And those 3 thing provide many people happiness.  Now, I no longer take part in any of these activities but I know many people that do and it all comes from their doorman.

Last but not least, your doorman knows who you're sleeping with.  They know if you're cheating and they know if you bring home a different girl every night.  If you go home with a girl who lives in a doorman building, you can tell the way the doorman reacts to you walking in the lobby if you're a rarity or just another dude.  I once had a doorman tell me "to have a good time".  2 hours later he was talking shit to me about the girl I slept with in the lobby and as I was leaving he called her a "cheap bitch".

In summary, your doorman is the most important man in your life.  He's your lifeline, your soulmate, your brother from another mother.  Hook your doorman up or you might be getting divorced or you might not be getting your mail.  Use this blog entry as a warning.  Bump up your Christmas bonus to your doorman $200.  You'll thank me later...

-Care about your doorman.  Hook 'em up 'ya cheap bastards!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Obsessed With Fame...

This is something I think about a lot.  Would I want to be famous?  Most likely I will never be a household name, and  think i'm alright with that.  I can't imagine stepping out of my house and having a bunch of strangers take pictures of me in my underwear getting the newspaper at 8 AM.  Who wants go to CVS to pickup a prescription and have middle aged men jumping in front of your car to get a photo.  It just seems so bizarre.  Why does everyone want to be famous?

The world is obsessed with fame.  Apparently everyone wants to feel special and be recognized.  Everybody has something to say, including me, hence this blog.  What happened to anonimity?  What's so bad about living a quiet life, having a select group of friends, getting married and having kids.  Nothing wrong with that.  But people just obsess over other people's lives which leads me to believe that somewhere there's a whole in their lives.  Should I care that Kim kardashian is dating Kanye?

Stop and take a look around.  Do you see what's on TV.  People will do anything to get on TV and have the spotlight shined on them for 15 minutes.  TV shows like Springer, Maury, all the legal shows and Dr. Phil.  Nothing against Dr. Phil, but why are these bozos going on national TV to talk about their anger issues and infidelity.  Aren't they embarassed?  Don't they realized the whole country can see this.  I realize they want help but on national TV.  Dr. Phil's good, but he's not that good.

Reality TV has warped America's brains.  There are so many reality shows that I can pick apart but I will focus on two.  I will focus on The Housewives and The Bachelor/ette.

The Housewives just baffles me.  These woman fight, bicker and pick each other apart.  They're millionaires and they're fucking miserable.  They are inherently jealous want everything but nothing gives them any pleasure.  They have big parties and go on lavish vacations strictly to annoy each other and cause drama.  And sadly, every female I know watches it.  It's crazy.  Why should we care if Caroline and Theresa are fighting over stromboli in their mansions in New Jersey?  They're really not that interesting yet we watch.  What does that say about us as a society?

The Bachelor and Bachlorette is the lowest form of TV.  25 dudes or ladies trying to win the heart of 1.  What the fuck is going on here?  How the hell does anyone date 25 people at one time.  These bachelors and bachelorettes go on these dream dates with 5 woman at a time.  Finally 25 becomes 2 and both guys and girls are 100% convinced that they are getting engaged.  I don't understand how everyone loves to see some dude get his heartbroken and national TV.  And when it happens, it ain't pretty.  They kneel down on one knee and get denied.  We sit at home eating popcorn and watch these idiots get their 15 minutes while having their heartbroken.  What does that say about us?  Why would these people want to subject themselves to this.  For true love?  Bullshit, they are searching for fame and a reality career.

Being a rock star or movie star must be pretty cool.  Strangers adore you.  Can you imagine strangers coming up to you saying they love you?  It must feel empty.  I hear it's lonely at the top.  Look at Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston.  They had everything and nothing at the same time.

People, do what makes you happy.  Live your own lives.  Worry about your family and friends, not about Brad and Angelina.  They're not worried about you.  John Lennon said it best "you're a superstar. that's right you are".  We're all significant, special and beautiful, but you have to see that for yourself.  You're not gonna see that watching The Bachelor or The Housewives.

-Forget about being famous, who cares!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Judo & Ganja Don't Mix...

Why is American Judo fighter, Nick Delpopolo eating ganja brownies before the Olympics?  Nick Delpoplo was in London representing The United States preparing literally to kick some ass.  The 23 year old from Westfield, NJ failed a drug test and then took the high road and said that he had unintentionally ate something before the games that had been baked with weed.  Are you kidding me!  You're 23. You fucked up.  Own it.  You don't eat pot brownies by mistake, Nick.  

Listen, I don't think marijuana should be illegal.  But Nick, you're going to the Olympics, wait till you get back home, smoke yourself silly and nosh on ganja brownies all day.  You blew it!  All the training, all the hard work for nothing.  

What's sad is that Nick truly is the perfect representative for this country.  Most 23 year olds are eating pot brownies and most 23 year olds would fail a drug test.  

What I don't get is, why would the Olympic committee reprimand him?  They should let him fight.  I don't know about you but back in the day when I ate pot brownies, the last thing I felt like doing was spin kicks and karate chops.  Who the hell can win a judo match high?  

The crazy thing about weed is that it stays in your system between 4-6 weeks.  That was Nick Delpopolo's problem.  Nick, you're going to The Olympics, get your ass to GNC, get the cleanse and get that weed out of your system like every American does.  GNC has gotten more people jobs then Access Staffing.  
Nick, where was your sense' (coach).  His job is to have you beat drug tests.  

Nick, you've dishonored yourself, your sense' and your country.  But, you kept it real and I respect that.  You just got caught.  Nick, you should eat another batch of pot brownies and kick your own ass.

-But In a week nobody will remember Nick Delpopolo so who cares!  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Classic Rock Changed The World...

In my opinion, music is a great indicator of where we are culturally.  Music is one of the few things that has been a constant throughout the course of civilization.  Archeologists have found instruments that date back to the days of Christ.  Your great great great great grandfather was listening to something.  If you take a look at the music in The United States over the course of the last 100 years you can see where we were at culturally.  In the swinging 20's we had the big bands and jazz and this country was wealthy.  The '30's and '40's was the rise of the blues because this country was in financial despair.  In the early fifties this country began to prosper again and Rhythm and Blues turned into Rock N' Roll.  Kids began slicking back their hair, rebelling against their parents, and loosening up a bit.  In the early 60's everything began to change.  On a smaller scale Bob Dylan was writing and performing protest songs that said something about society.  On a larger scale The Beatles were invading America and this changed society forever.  4 lads from Liverpool had long hair, wrote their own pop songs, and were actually fantastic musicians. Girls loved them and guys wanted to be them.  But even more important then The Beatles' contribution to society is that musically and culturally, many young people saw the power of Rock N' Roll and said to themselves "maybe I can do that".  Guitar sales and microphone sales went through the roof after The Beatles were on Ed Sullivan.  Everyone wanted to try to find out what it was like to play in a band.  Obviously only few succeeded on a large scale.

I am fascinated by cultural movements and I am also fascinated by music.  The music made between the years of 1967 and 1977 in my opinion had a greater large scale influence on society then any generation before.   I listen to music in every genre in basically every time period from 1955 to today.  I'll admit the music between those 1967-1977 have had the greatest influence me.  What is now known as "Classic Rock" is the grandfather of every band in existence today.  Whether they openly recognize it or not, their sound has evolved somewhat by a band that was popular during that period.  Why is it that the 10 bands below are still just as popular today and would still sell out arenas, almost 50 years after their inception.

Bands That Would Or Still Sell Out Arenas Today That Came To Prominence Between 1967-1977:
1) The Rolling Stones
2) The Who
3) Led Zeppelin
4) Pink Floyd
5) The Jimi Hendrix Experience
6) The Doors
7) The Grateful Dead
8) Aerosmith
9) The Allman Brothers Band
10) Black Sabbath

Why was so much great music made between 1967 and 1977 the most significant?  I think I know.  Here's the 4 reasons why:

1) The Vietnam War - The music within that time period began to express the feelings and emotions of the young people at that time.  No longer was music on the radio just made for you to dance and sing along to.  These musicians had something to say.  They were making a statement that relayed the message to young people.  Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out.  Question authority.  Anti War.  Anti Establishment.  All those messages can be found in the music of that time.  Young kids were being drafted and dying for no reason.  The music was a reaction to that.

2) Drugs - Never had drug use become so widespread.  Kids were smoking pot, taking acid and expressing themselves like they never have before.  I believe everything happens for reason. Acid being invented and coming to the forefront at that time in history is far from a coincidence.  Drugs were expanding young people minds and creatively the musicians above were feeding off the drugs and the energy.  No generation before them had been on acid before.  It allowed young people to think differently, hence the great music made at that time.

3) Civil Rights & The Feminist Movements - Things were happening.  Self expression was everywhere.  Everyone wanted to better themselves and the opportunity for blacks and women to finally be treated as equals had come.  The country was in a time of great change socially, culturally, economically, politically.  Why not fix as many problems you can at one time.  These movements were 100 years overdue and in my opinion equal rights should've been standard since the beginning of time.  It's a ripple effect, when government is weak, the time to act is now and that's what these movements took advantage of.  The music expresses the angst and frustration of these to social movements.

4) The Space Program - Believe it or not, America's venture into space uplifted this country.  The impossible became possible and we now had more information about the universe.  It changed the way people saw the world and we realized that the solar system is attainable and infinite.  A lot of songs and movies responded to this and in that time of great turmoil America united around man walking on the moon.  It blew everyone's mind and everyone wondered what was possible.  Especially musicians.

It's amazing how things happen.  It's incredible how much transpired during those 10 years.  Everything changed and society is still reacting to those changes.  The music created at that time will live on forever.  I don't think their will ever be a musical movement like it again.  I hope i'm wrong.  What will be the classic rock of this current generation?  God only knows...

But at the end of the day who cares!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"The Fastest Man On No Legs"

I'm sure by now many of you have had the story of Oscar Pistorius, the double amputee South African sprinter who runs with 2 prosthetic limbs.  Oscar's condition raises a great  debate.  Should athletes with prosthetic limbs be allowed to compete against able bodied athletes?  This is such a tough question.  On one hand you feel inclined to say yes because that's the politically correct answer.  On the other, the dude's running on artificial carbon limbs, that must give you some sort of an advantage right?  Here are my thoughts:

Get Him A Jersey
Screw the Olympics, Oscar Pistorius would make a great running back.  He wouldn't even have to wear cleats.  I'm sorry, but does it make me a bad person to think this Oscar Pistorius situation is horseshit?  Before I get crazy, let me say that I think what Oscar Pistorius has accomplished is profound.  He displays the power of the human spirit and I for one am inspired by him.  I'm too lazy to walk to 1st Avenue with 2 legs and this dude's running in the Olympics without legs.  Simply amazing.  That being said,  he should not be competing against Olympic athletes. If you're a runner and you don't have to wear socks, then you're not an Olympic runner.  Yes, Oscar "The Blade Runner" is a great and beautiful story but the guy doesn't wear sneakers or shoelaces.  Is he qualified to run in the Olympics?

Running on carbon fibre has to be an unfair advantage.  Yes, it may be harder to turn.  But no blisters, no cramping, no athlete's foot, no use of Tinactin or Odor Eater's.  You know what, then you should be competing in the paralympics.  That's what I don't get.  What makes Oscar Pistorius so special that he doesn't only compete in the paralympics?  What's wrong with being the fastest paralympian.  Is he too good for the paralympics?  I'm too good at Wii Bowling, but I still compete against humans with arms. I don't just play against the computer.  Oscar should be breaking paralympic records, not sprinting against athletes who have the potential of twisting an ankle, pulling a hamstring, tearing an ACL or having a monster blister on their big toe.

I'm sure The Oscar Pistorius story will be coming to a theater near you.  And you know what, rightly so.  I'm inspired by it.  But it doesn't make it fair or right.  You have to ask yourself if the Olympic committee is throwing Oscar a bone for his effort or do they really believe that he is fit to compete against other sprinters with 2 feet.  It's a good question.  I wish Oscar the best.  Break a leg....sorry, it was necessary.

-At the end of everyday remember to say to yourself, who cares!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Screw The Movies! This Is The Golden Age of TV...

Once upon a time the movie theater was a magical place.  A place we sought refuge where stories would come alive and indelible characters would become part of our culture.  Up till this very day, I can remember every movie i've seen in the theater and who I was with when I saw each film.  I remember seeing Back To School with my dad when I was seven and thinking Rodney Dangerfield was the funniest man on the planet.  I saw Ace Ventura the friday afternoon it came out with 10 of my friends and we all laughed so hard that I nearly shit my pants.  I cried  in the theater like a little girl during Rudy and Forrest Gump.  I loved the movies!  Not anymore...

What happened?  What went wrong?  When did Hollywood stop making movies that mattered? Why? It seems like nowadays the only movies in theaters are comic book movies, romantic comedies, comedies (9/10 suck so i just wait for video), horror and animation.  What happened to the dramas?  Nowadays, if your last name isn't Stone, Scorsese or Spielberg most likely you're directing something that I mentioned above.  The young filmmaker in Hollywood is getting shit on and we are the ones that are shitting on 'em.  In case you haven't realized, everything's changed.

The drama now exists on TV.  Our homes have become movie theaters so I hope your microwave doesn't overcook the popcorn.   The paradigm shift started with Tivo.  As soon as we were able to Tivo shows, everything changed.  Now it was so much easier to have ongoing storylines, more in depth character development and better cliffhangers.  Almost every show your obsessing about right now doesn't exist without Tivo or On Demand.  You'd still be using VHS tapes praying that the the clock on your VCR didn't screw up and not tape your favorite show.  Lost, The Soprano's, The Wire, 24 would've still been good but not as good without On Demand or Tivo.  You would've missed epsiodes and on those shows missing episodes leaves large gaps in the quality of your viewing.

Nowadays all the best writers, actors, actresses are found on TV.  There they are able to develop characters, show the full range of their talent and have it be seen by millions of people in the comfort of their own homes.  Television has become more realistic and does not have the big budget that comes along with film. Television is based on content, not on selling popcorn and merchandise.  Nowadays even made for TV movie's and television documentaries are better then most films.  People are staying home for their entertainment and to me that's just sad.  And i'll admit, i'm guilty.

Here is a list of 10 Dramas on TV right now that are better then last year's Oscar Winner, The Artist:
1) Mad Men
2) Boardwalk Empire
3) Homeland
4) Newsroom
5) Treme
6) Breaking Bad
7) Game of Thrones
8)  Dexter
9) Girls
10) Magic City

Unfortunately there are many more.  I'll admit I only watch 6 those shows.  But i've seen bits and pieces of all of them and they're all better then the trash on the big screen.

The film industry has to go back to making good films with good scripts with actors who can actually act.  Robert Pattinson is a terrible actor.  The elephants in water for elephants were better actors then him.  Kristin Stewart doesn't know how to smile, how can she act?  She always looks scared.  You're a multi millionaire with no talent who cheats on your boyfriend.  Cheer the fuck up! Find some good scripts and actors with some chops and let's get to work Hollywood.

Enough movies about comic books, barbarians, and exorcism.  Movies used to matter.  They made significant cultural statements.  They changed your perception and pattern of thinking.  A good movie can move you and a great character becomes part of your life.

Today the characters in my life are Dom Draper, Nucky Thompson and Will McAvoy.  Everyone of them is on my TV, not the big screen.  It's the golden age of TV.

But as long were entertained, who cares!!!