Monday, October 1, 2012

Hey Ladies, What Are You Looking For?

Ladies.  I luv 'ya but I don't getcha and i'm starting to realize I never will.  It seems to me you all want what you can't have and when you get it, you don't want it anymore.  Hey ladies, what are you looking for?  What makes you happy?  What motivates you?  What is your purpose?  Every female is different and it seems everyone wants something different but they all want an identity or a story.  A female looks at her life like a soap opera.  Us guys are just pawns in their game.  Most of us are just characters that come and go.  Some become lead characters and some get written off the show.  But every girl needs a good story.  And every good story is filled with drama.  In every good story the drama usually revolves around the females romantic lead character.  The ladies are trying hard to figure out what they want.  But what do they want?  What do us men need today to seal the deal.  What are you looking for ladies?  I have broken down a female wishlist of what the ladies are looking for out there.  Here it goes:

Looks- The obvious #1 choice is physical attraction.  All you nice girls out there try to play it up that you're more personality/character based but we all know you care what we look like.  It doesn't make you shallow, it's important to be attracted to someone your with.  Let's face it, when your dating someone what they look like unfortunately says something about you.  In the society we live in today looks are crucial.  Plus, nowadays when your dating someone everyone can see.  Your picture with your boyfriend will be up on facebook.  Ladies need to flaunt their guy and say "look what I got".  Girls are inherently jealous and mostly cruel and competitive so looks matter.  Don't fool yourself ladies, you know they do.

Money- Oh yes, the ladies love money and they love to spend money so it usually helps if you have money. Ladies like nice restaurants, shoes, pocketbooks etc.  Now, don't get me wrong their are a lot of independent woman out there who have their own money.  But, the girls like guys who will make them feel monetarily special.  Jewelry, vacations...who doesn't like these things?  I'll come right and say it, if you have money you just went from a 6 to a 9.  Men gain 3 points from the female perspective if you have cash.  Rich guys get hot chicks for a reason and it's not because they're funny or have great personalities.  It's because they can give girls what they want and they want everything.  Everything is a price a rich guy can afford.

A Solid Profession- This is more important then one thinks.  Girls are attracted to security.  They like to know they're secure, will be taken care of, and that their man is doing something relevant.  It's important for a girl to tell her girlfriends and parents they they're boyfriend is a lawyer or in finance.  It's almost like a warped status symbol.

Sense Of Humor- To some girls this is huge.  Everyone loves to laugh.  At least that's what every girl writes in her computer dating profile.  If you like to laugh, find a funny guy ladies.  Entertainment is important.  At the end of the day, coming home to someone amusing is a bonus.  It's all about priorities.  How important is it to you to enjoy your company?  Looks, employment, moneyare huge factors but you can't buy humor.  I know some funny chicks.  I like a girl that can make me laugh.  Some girls feel the same way.

Nice Guy- Do nice guys really finish last?  Usually.  Ladies many of you love the game and for some reason enjoy getting made to feel inferior.  Why?  I have no idea but you do.  It's sad but it's true and i'll never understand it.  You love drama and with a nice, laid back guy you might not get the drama you crave.  Yes, there are some girls who like a kind, caring, compassionate guy that they can bring home to mom and dad.  A guy whose good with kids, your girlfriends love and is thoughtful.  And to the girls who respect that, props to you.  But, you're a dying breed.  Girls like mystery, jealousy and deception and nice guys don't provide that so they usually finish last.

Bad Boys- Ladies love bad asses.  Even the ones who say they don't, do.  When a guy's doing wrong he's really doing right.  There are girls who like to call and text and love not getting a response.  Their mind starts to race, they get all worked up and jealous and start thinking the worst.  It becomes a game, almost like a sick addiction.  They get addicted to the fear of unknown.  Some girls would like to put a GPS on their bad boy boyfriend.  It turns them on.  The fighting, the bickering, the "I hate you's" turns into make up sex.  It's a vicious cycle.  Beware of the bad boys ladies.

Drama- I saved the best for last and it's the underlying current behind everything I have mentioned thus far.  Girls are addicted to drama.  Their lives are reality shows.  In a single girls mind she is the bachelorette.  An engaged girl is the bride of the millenium and the married girl is thinking about the future.  Whatever that may be.  Her single days are a distant memory.  And in all the scenarios I just mentioned they're still searching for drama.  Girls need something to think about.  Guys like to think about nothing.  Girls think about relationships and sample sales.  It's sad, but unfortunately most of the time it's true.  Relationships and sample sales are a lot more dramatic then sports and sex.  Ladies, here's my advice.  More love, less drama.

Every girl is looking for something different.  No girl wants the exact same thing and is attracted to the exact same guy.  Ladies, follow your heart and not his wallet.  There's some good guys out there.  I think it's important to know what you're looking for.  Personally, I have no clue.  But girls usually have a better idea of what they want then guys.  At least they have a better idea then me.  Go find your man ladies because although this blog is called Scott Don't Care I do wish all of you nothing but love and happiness.  If you're lonely, email me...i'll keep you company...

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