Monday, December 24, 2012

A Jew On Christmas

Oh, to be a Jew on Christmas.  It's confusing.  All year long you blend in and for the most part are not looked at any differently.  But, on Christmas, Jews have the plague.  It's clear that the month of December is not for us.  I know, we have Hannukah.  Please!  Hannukah's the minor leagues next to the almighty Christmas.  Christmas rules the roost and everywhere you turn Jews are reminded that we're not Jewish.  We are like chickens with our heads cut off.  We can fly, we just don't know where to go.

It's lonely being a Jew on Christmas.  You feel left out.  We're annual outcasts and we just can't escape it.  Songs, commercials, trees, even Christmas clothing, we are constantly reminded that we don't belong.  It's ok though, we're used to persecution and oppression.  For the majority of our 5,000 year existence Jews have either been outcasts, slaughtered or enslaved.  Us Jews nowadays have it easy.  We control Hollywood and the media.  We might as well create a new Holiday.  Would nonjews know the difference?  Ask a nonjew what sukkot is.  They have no idea.  Ask me what sukkot is.  I have no idea.  It's clear we are not the chosen people on Christmas.  Or, were we just chosen not to celebrate?  I'm not sure.  I'll let you decide.

The Jewish Options on Christmas
1) Movies/Chinese Food
2) Video games
3) Card games
4) Board games
5) Drink heavily
6) Chain smoke weed
7) Watch the yule log for 24 hours
8) all of the above

Every good Jew goes to the movies and eats chinese food on Christmas.  It's The Jew thing to do.  The Jewish Christmas if you will.  Fortunately there are a lot of good movie choices this year.  Les Mis, Django, the Bin laden flick.  Jews will be seeing something and eating dumplings.
I don't know about you but I like being different.  Being a Jew on Christmas makes you different and most of the time, that makes all the difference.

To all my catholic friends....Merry Christmas!!!

To all my Jews...Baruch atah adonai, enjoy your sesame chicken!!!

Whether your Jewish, Catholic, Muslim I luv 'ya because Scott Don't Care....

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Evolution of My Friends: Single>Married

Ok, so I’m the last man standing.  As of now I am the only single one left and I feel great about it.  I don’t mind being single.

But, it kind of sucks that all my friends are either married, engaged or in serious relationships.  Thank God for jdate and okcupid, otherwise I’d have nothing to do.  If the right one comes along, great.  If not, whatever.  But this blog entry is not about me, it’s about my friends.  Things are changing.  My friends are changing.  They’re thinking differently and thinking long term.  “What are we doing tonight” has turned into “do you know how much diapers cost”.  There really is nothing wrong with that.  My friends are evolving, growing up and I’ll always love them no matter what.  But, it almost feels like some of them have taken on a different identity or have become their parents.  What’s weird is when we hang they’ll have moments of being who they once were.  Rare glimpses into their former selves.  This is neither a negative or a positive, it’s just a fact.  I love my friends for who they are, who they were, I just can’t believe the changes.  It happened so fast.  There is an evolution.  Your friends slowly turn into husbands and fathers and it usually takes place over the course of 5 years.  Below I will discuss the evolution of my friends in 5 stages:

The 5 Stages of Evolution of My Friends
22) Serious Relationship
33) Engagement
44) Marriage
55) Fatherhood

Single- Fuck, it was a good time when we were all single.  Sex, drugs and Rock N’ Roll (well, mostly hip hop).  We were a crew.  We loved one another, looked out for each other and lived for the weekend.  My friends were carefree, less stressed and seemed to laugh a lot more.  The biggest stress in their life was their running back getting hurt on their fantasy football team.  We were young and stupid but we were too naïve to care.  My friends chased girls, took bong hits and tried to prevent responsibility at all costs.  The most fun I’ve ever had was between the ages of 23-27.  Our first love was for one another, everyone else took a backseat, even girls.

Serious RelationshipHere’s where things start to change.  All of a sudden your friends are checking in with someone.  You constantly have stories about their significant others and if their cell phone rings and you’re in the middle of the conversation, the conversation is over.  Then the drama ensues.  The fighting, the jealousy.  The breakup.  The makeup, and then it just seems to end.  Your friend gets to the point where the game of tug of war ends.  It’s almost like they throw in the towel and surrender.  You can’t beat the girl at “the game”.  Girls can live without sex, we can’t.  It’s unfair.  Your friends settle safely into their long term relationship and they seem to mellow out.  They change and if they get engaged they’ll never, ever be the same.

Engagement- Holy shit!  It’s really happening.  Only one thing matters at this point.  Do you get along with your friends fiance’.  If not, you will be seeing a lot less of your friends.  After your friend gets engaged, it becomes harder to get your friend alone away from his fiance’.  And when you do, it goes down!  Your friend tries to make up for lost time.  He hits the bottle and the bong hard.  I call it the engagement conjugal visit.  They make love to the drugs and alcohol they miss so much.  And I make love to the drugs and alcohol right along with ‘em.  Well, at least the alcohol. I no longer do drugs.  If I did, I’d tell ‘ya.

Marriage- Whoa!  It really happened.  Weddings are great.  Your friend gets married, you get real drunk with all your friends, try to bang a bridesmaid and then don’t see your friend for 3 months.  Post marriage, your friend goes into his marriage bunker.  The shock sets in and and he needs time to process these turn of events.  Then, your friend emerges like a groundhog on groundhog day.  He comes out a changed man.  He looks relaxed, secure and happy.  9 months later he looks confused and befuddled.  He realized that it all really happened.  If I ever get married I think I’ll be more shocked that I actually walked down the aisle and took part in the bullshit ceremony rather than being married.  I’m pro marriage, just anti wedding ceremony.  At the current time all my married friends seem happy and think they made the right choice.  My dad always says that marriage starts when you have kids.  That seems to be the truth.

Fatherhood- Holy Mary Mother of God!  My friends are fathers.  5 years ago they were vomiting in cabs, now their kids are vomiting on them.  I love being Uncle Scotty and when I look at my friends kids it’s like looking in a mirror.  They are basically mini me’s of my friends.  My friends have officially changed.  They’re fathers.  They are not first priority, their wives are not first priority, their kids are.  They are essentially living their lives for someone else.  I really respect that.  I hope to be a father one day.  It seems like a great time but I’m sure it’s a lot of work.  It’s become hard to see my friends who have kids.  Near impossible to get them alone in a bar.  But that’s fine.  It’s all worth it.  When I see their kids the evolution of my friends makes sense.  The prize they get at the end of their journey is their kids.  Hopefully they don’t suck.

We All change.  We all grow.  Everyday were learning and bettering ourselves.  Except yesterday.  Yesterday I set my life back a year.  I’ll save that story for my next blog entry.  If you’re single, in a serious relationship, engaged, married or a father hopefully you want to be in the situation you’re in.  There’s nothing worse then being in an uncomfortable situation.  Live, laugh, learn and get fucked up every once in awhile.  Take shots of Jameson and puke.  It’s humbling and keeps ‘ya young.

Single, married…I’ll still luv ‘ya because Scott Don’t care.