Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sex: Everyone's Having It!

Everybody's having sex.  Unbelievable right!  And I mean everyone.  Every person you past by is fornicating.  The unkempt guy making your sandwich at the deli.  He's having sex.  The old chubby dude who owns the liquor store.  He's having sex.  Your korean dry cleaner who thanks you 3 times for your business.  He's having sex.  Amazing right!  They are all having sex and it blows my mind!  The next time you walk down the street take a long, detailed look at the person who walks by you.  They are having sex.  Or, they've had sex.  Somebody slept with that person.  How the hell did that happen?

Now, nobody's perfect.  I am far from perfect but every now and then I find a female that wants to do me.  It's miraculous!  Hard to believe right.  Somehow I coerce a girl into thinking that I am worth spending intimate time with.  Now, everyone's taste is different.  Hot for me is not hot for you.  But let's be honest, some people are flat out unattractive.  Does falling in love with someone's character truly exist?  It must.  You may think this is bullshit, but I won't date someone who is not a great person.  Doesn't matter how hot she is.  I might sleep with said beautiful girl, but I won't date her.  For me, values are more important then looks.  But, I won't lie.  You need to be attracted to someone.  But I do think attraction can grow through interaction.  Is that how unattractive people meet?  If so, that's beautiful.  What's beautiful about it is there relationship will be more fruitful.  A relationship based on character and not looks will undoubtedly last longer and be more authentic.  And I believe everyone's looking for a quality relationship.  

The one thing everyone agrees on is sex.  It unites us.  I never met anyone who says sex sucks.  Whether your black, white, male, female, gay or straight you love to bone.  Sex is the underlying current of what's controlling society and running this country.  All relationships are based on sex.  Politics, sports.  It's the root of all evil, and quite possibly, the most beautiful, thing in the world.  And it's usually free.  It makes love.  It breaks love.  It gives life.  Without sex you wouldn't be here.  I wouldn't be here.  All those ugly people you walked by on the street had parents who had sex.  Probably ugly parents.  But they consummated.  They had sex!

So go out and have sex!  Because it's fun.  It's free.  It's a good workout and it makes you smile.  So go do it.  Just do it right.  Good sex.  Bad sex.  I'll still luv 'ya because Scott Don't Care....