Saturday, May 25, 2013

Some Quick Thoughts On God

Some Quick Thoughts On God

It doesn't make sense to me.  The world is divided by a spirit no one has legitimately seen.  God runs many people's lives.  It runs countries.  More people have been killed in the name of God then anything in the history of the world and nobody's ever seen him.  But many are so sure they have.  Now i'm not Bill Maher.  I believe in God.  God meaning that I believe in something much bigger then us.  But, I don't go around quoting him, praying to him or preaching to him.  George Carlin said it best "I pray to the sun, at least I can see it".  It's funny and it makes a lot of sense.  Now take a step back for a second.  Imagine you were teleported into 2013 a 30 year old newborn never experiencing human civilization.  If you walked into a church, a synagogue or a mosque and you saw a bunch of grownups dressed funny all standup up then sit down while saying the same thing it would look insane.  Much more insane then an insane asylum.  At least they play checkers there.

Every religious group is so sure they're right.  They're so sure their version of the big guy is the right version.  You all can't be right!  Somebody's gotta be wrong!  Now, I don't have the right answer.  But, I have the right answer for me.  I personally don't go to places of worship.  I find it hypocritical.  I feel out of place.  Sort of like a Jew at the Vatican.  I believe God can be found everywhere.  That's my version of Hashem.  I believe the holy spirit lives within us and is all around us.  I read a book that said we are all God and God is trying to communicate with us.  Interesting right.  Maybe God's trying to figure out how to talk to us instead of us searching to talk with him.  It makes just as much sense to me.

Believe it or not, i'm a man of faith, not science.  I think some things just can't be explained.  I'll use myself as an example.  I'm a poet.  I've been published.  I've never studied poetry.  Neither of my parents are poets.  I have no poets or writers in the family.  I've never really read poetry besides my own.  I fucking hate poetry with a passion! But, i'm really good at writing it.  It doesn't make sense.  I can't explain it.  Of course, that's a shitty example.  But it's one of the reasons that I believe that the statement that says "science can't explain everything" is true.  There are millions of better examples.  The fact that we are here inhabiting the planet earth is reason enough to believe in God.  It will never be explained.  Darwin's theory of evolution makes the most sense but it's still flawed.  I look at nature and I find God.  Everything is in its proper place.  Our surroundings makes sense.  The right trees grew in the right surroundings.  The right animals are native to the right spot on the globe for their species to inhabit.  Rock formation.  All of nature makes sense to me.  I see God in all of it because it's pure.  It's real.  It adapts.  It breathes.  It's alive.  Just like us.

I also find God within.  My friends know that i'm deeply into meditation.  When I meditate I find answers.  Not the answers to society's problems, the answers to my problems and the answers to the situations and problems within my life.  I tap into my consciousness twice a day for 20 minutes and I come out refreshed and  organized.  It's the most important thing I do everyday and I don't know where i'd be without it. 

Lastly,  I've been through a lot of shit in my life.  More then most.  And I never directly found God.  A couple of years ago I went on a spiritual quest.  I read a lot of religious and spiritual texts.  I'm fascinated by that stuff.  I took a little something from all of those texts.  Below are the three most important statements I've read.  They are nonreligious and apply to everyone.  Enjoy!

1) Whatever you're thinking about, you're attracting into your life.  This is known as the law of attraction.  Ex. If you want a new job or promotion, think about it constantly and have the belief that you've already received the said job or promotion, you'll attract it and you'll get it.  The law of attractions is always at work.  It's 100% real.  Every person, every situation and everything in your life, you've attracted.  Even chlamydia.

2) Live In The Now - Don't think about what you should have done differently in the past.  It's over!  You can't change it.  Don't think everything will change when you get that new job in the future.  You'll still be you only making more money but your problems and flaws will follow you.  The only thing you can change is the present moment and that moment is always now.  And that moment dictates your future and puts the past behind you.

3) There's always a message to be found.  Everything does happen for a reason.  Whether good or bad, there's always a life lesson to be learned.  Your job is to find that lesson and learn from it.  When you find the lesson, you'll know.  Trust me.