Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Where To Pickup Chicks

Being single in the city can be challenging.  90% of my friends are are engaged or married  and this makes meeting woman challenging.  The lack of wingmen has forced me to run solo game.  Running solo game is tough. Unless a girl is at the bar solo, or you catch one getting a drink, it makes things hard.  Even harder, where does one single guy meet a female?  I've broken down the places a single dude like myself can get digits.  Here's the list:

Bar: This is the obvious #1 choice.  I've been working hard on my bar game.  I've come to the conclusion it's all about wit, charm and eye contact.  Girls like to be noticed so i'll try to comment on what they're wearing or laugh at their unfunny jokes.  Very hard to run game with no support.  I look to see wicht girls are looking at me.  The trick is to have no fear.  Like dogs, woman spell fear.  If you exude confidence you're good.  Also, comment on what the girl is drinking.  It's a good conversation starter.

The Computer:  I have done a great deal of online and dating I have officially thrown in the towel.  The girls usually don't look like their picture.  Their personality is usually much different in person then on the phone. Basicallty the girls i've met never live up to expectations.  Plus, I think it's whack to say you met on the internet.  I know it's worked for millions but it won't work for me.

Bookstore:  The bookstore is a very good resource.  I like to read and I can spend hours in a bookstore.  If you spot a hottie, walk over to her section and comment on the book she's looking at.  Maybe she's looking at 50 Shades of Grey.  If so, she needs some, asap.  Books are a perfect conversation starter.  You already have something in common.  You're all good.

Temple or Church:  Now I don't do places of worship but i've heard temple and church are breeding grounds.  Religion is an aphrodisiac for some.  If you have to go to temple or church might as well get rewarded for going.  Sex is not a sin.

The Gym:  This is a tough venture.  Pulling gym game is near impossible.  Girls don't feel pretty at the gym.  Guys testosterone's pumping while they pump iron and stare at themselves in the mirror.  Ladies, every guy in the gym is staring at your ass while your on the treadmill.  In order to get a number at the gym, you have to be real slick.  The conversation has to be seamless and initiated by you fellas.  Ask for a workout tip or something.  Good luck to you.

The Subway:  I recently got a number on the subway.  I can only equate it to the feeling one has when they win the lottery.  A near impossible thing to do.  Everything has to fall perfectly into place.  Where the girl is standing or sitting.  How long you're both on the subway.  What stop both of you are getting off at.  Initiating conversation.  When to ask for her number.  Many variables at play.  Be personable.

The Park:  A good resource.  The park is your friend.  A nice sunny day.  Everyone's happy.  Have a frisbee catch with your friend and have him toss a crappy throw on to the hotties towel where she's sitting.  Perfect opener.  Apologize and comment on the weather.  Start the convo.  You're good to go.

The Set Up:  Being set up seems to be a good resource for many.  I don't like it because at first you just have the person that set you up in common.  Some view this as a conversation starter.  I think it's lame.  It could be all that you have to talk about.  I'd rather be spontaneous and face the unknown.  You get a better feel for how the other person is.  This is just my opinion.  Millions meet this way.

At A Party:  Great way to meet someone.  Maybe the best.  You have the person whose throwing the party in common or you could just be tagging along with a friend.  Just being there gives you something to discuss. It's a very easy place to have a casual conversation.  You can get a good sense of someone at a party.  One of my faves.

Concert/Ballgame:  Tough but effective place to meet woman.  A concert is a good resource.  Especially at a smaller venue.  You have your love for the band in common.  Being on the same page musically is a nice start to a relationship.  Music is important to me and a chick with good taste in music is cool.  A ballgame is harder.  Girls are usually at ballgames with their friends so it's hard to get them alone unless you're sitting next to one.  A girl into sports, especially the same team is a bonus.  Don't be shy, go for it.

Wedding:  The penultimate.  The holy grail!  They live up to the hype.  When a girl watches her friend get married, they get overwhelmed with the desire to meet someone and they want the process to start immediately.  If you put in the effort, a wedding will get you laid so RSVP yes.  If you play your cards right a bridesmaid dress will be crumpled up on your floor.  Mazel tov!

Hopefully this list was helpful to you.  It's tough out there.  If you put in the effort, your bound to be rewarded.  Good luck to all you singles.  If all else fails go on the bachelor or the bachelorette.  You have a 1 in 25 chance to find love.  Better odds then the real world.  If you're really looking to find love, you'll find it.  If you're looking to get laid, just exude confidence.  Make like you know something they don't.  You should have no problem.  To my boys, happy chick hunting.  To the ladies, don't be afraid to tell a guy you're interested.  I was at a bar last week and this Lebanese girl hit on me.  She was blunt.  She's said "I think you're good looking and I find you interesting, we should go out sometime".  I nearly choked on my tongue.  She wasn't too attractive though.  We spoke for awhile.  I excused myself to take a leak.  I came back, she was gone.  I guess she lost interest...haha.

Guys, words to live be:  Don't lie to me, lie to girls...

Keep it real ya'll because Scott does care about 'ya, but no one else does...